I have to admit, this is not my first attempt at blogging. I created my first blog my freshman year of college to document my time in the dorms, all my new friends and how much I was learning in my classes. Little did I know that classes and friends take up a lot of time. Blogging took a back seat to absolutely everything, and eventually I stopped posting all together.
Then, I had to blog for my reporting class. I was a bit more dedicated to that because I was being graded on my posts. I gushed and gushed about how much I loved Journalism and reporting and writing stories. I think I would be embarrassed if I read that now. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Journalism and adore writing. I'm just not quite as enamored with it as my 19-year-old self was.
My third blog ended pretty much the same way as the first. I started a Wordpress to document the ten weeks I spent living in Europe, but between working and classes and going out and falling deeply in love with traveling and exploring new places, I just couldn't find the time to keep up with my blog. And honestly, it's difficult to find enough words to describe that time in my life.
Then, there was Tumblr. I'm actually pretty proud of my Tumblr. I had some clever posts, reblogged some great photos and gifs and obtained quite a few followers. I was a very dedicated Tumblr-er (?) until Pinterest came around and it was much easier to use and served relatively the same purpose.
My most recent blogging adventure was as part of my Journalism curriculum. I wrote weekly posts for a magazine's blog. These were probably the best blog posts I've written, but they weren't personal at all. They were newsy posts about the goings on in Columbia, Mo. sprinkled with my attempt at snark. These posts were supposed to be "Buzzfeedy," but no one on that staff will ever live up to the snark and humor I find on Buzzfeed. And to the best of my knowledge, there are exactly zero quizzes matching your personality to a TV or movie character.
Now I've brought you completely up to speed on my ghosts of blogging past. This is my most recent attempt and I think it will be my most successful. This time I have one thing on my side that I've never had with any of my past attempts — time.
As hard as it is for me to say, I am no longer a college student. I no longer take a full class load, work at a magazine and go out four nights a week. My day runs from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with workouts sprinkled in. This transition from student to full-time, working adult has been the biggest change I've ever gone through, and I think it's going well. But with this change and the abundance of time I now I have, I have a lot of thoughts. This is my new platform to share them.
So, if anyone is out there reading, follow me on this journey as I figure out how to survive the real world, have a real relationship and fall back in love with the place I grew up.
I will warn you that I have quite a bit of jealousy for those girls who blog about their fabulous lives and wardrobes and get paid to do it, so there will be style posts in here at some point. Maybe cooking ones. Maybe fitness. We'll have to see. As long as I get to keep writing, I'll be happy.
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