
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Went two months without blogging ... AGAIN

Oops! Somehow I completely forgot about blogging again. One of these days I'll get in the habit of regularly updating this baby. Anyone who has tips on how to get in the groove of blogging, send them my way. Anyway, the past two months have been busy with half marathon training (the big day is Sunday!), holidays and enjoying the increasingly warm temperatures. A few highlights ...

If you read my previous post,  you know Mardi Gras is quite a big deal in St. Louis. It's just one day but a whole month of fun. One of my favorite parts is the Beggin' pet parade. Anyone who knows me could tell you there is no way I would pass up on an opportunity to play with one dog let alone thousands. Daisy really enjoyed the parade for about ten minutes before she fell asleep on the sidewalk.

Girls' weekend in Columbia
 Me, my roommate and our friend Ashley took a one-day trip up to mine and Monica's college town to partake in the True/False Film Festival. T/F is a huge deal in Columbia and provided one of the biggest headaches and learning experiences I had during my tenure at Vox. It was a fun day of reliving the glory days and enjoying a sunny day. 

The Symphony
My uncle, dad, Matt and me spent a night at the Symphony watching the Godfather with the symphony playing the score in the background. It was a very unique experience, and they were so good that after a while, I forgot they were even there because the music sounded just like it would in the movie. 

And, of course, Brunch!
A few weeks ago, a few friends and I checked out a new area and a new brunch spot called Melt. It was so so good! Almost every dish on the menu had waffle involved. I got a 'wake & bake,' which was a waffle with sausage and bacon COOKED INTO THE WAFFLE and an egg and cheese on top. Their bloody marys were also fantastic. Brunch turned into a fun afternoon complete with a photo shoot in front a new mosaic mural on Cherokee Street. The mural is of the St. Louis flag and is a great homage to how great my city is in spite of all the challenges we've faced in the past year. 

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