
Monday, September 15, 2014

A peak inside my place

Perhaps the biggest change I've experienced since finishing college has been moving into my very own place. Finding the perfect place didn't take as long as I thought, but it was a stressful and, at times, disappointing process. How much can I really afford? Do I feel comfortable in this area? Do I trust this landlord? My roommate and I finally found our perfect place at the end of June and by now, it definitely feels like home. We have pretty different styles, but both are represented well in our place and they come together nicely to create a cozy and functional little space. Besides my proximity to almost everything in St. Louis and my shorter work commute, my favorite part about living here has been decorating, especially my room.

My top priority when setting up my room was to limit clutter. My room at my parents' house (still very weird for me to call it that) is bursting with 20 years' worth of clothes, pictures and junk. I did not want that for my first adult room. I kept everything to the bare minimum and I'm so happy I did. On its messiest day, it takes me no more than 20 minutes to pick everything up.

I also had to keep affordability in mind. Paying rent and utilities was going to be an adjustment so I didn't want to spend much more on making my place feel homey. My bed, bedding, nightstand, dresser and some accents were from my old room, which really help cut back on expenses.

I got this bench, among many other things, from Homegoods. I love how it ties the whole space together and adds a bit of interest to the area below my window. That was a huge open space and I'm happy with the look and functionality of the $50 find.

These Kate Spade boxes were a definite impulse buy from a boutique in town. They don't exactly match with the rest of the room, but sometimes if it's cute, you can't resist, right? They're great little hiding places for perfume, nail polish and wristlets.

I have quite the sizable collection of magazines at my parents' house and I'm glad I found a way to display some of them. I also found this guy at Homegoods and could not pass him up. My love for Basset Hounds goes beyond the one I let sleep in my bed.

 My parents found these at a flea market and I LOVE them. So fun and creative!

Like I mentioned, my nightstand and its contents all came from my old room. The nightstand is part of a pair that were going unused in our guest room, and I thought it was a great upgrade from a simple table. It holds so much, and I think it really breaks up the white walls and bedding.

My room definitely still needs some work, but I'm so happy with it — and the rest of my place — so far!

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