
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Spring is here!

After what felt like an eternity of snow and ice and bitter cold, the weather finally got its act together just in time for daylight saving. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. And I couldn't be happier.

I think I spent more time outside Sunday than I have in the past two months. I embarrassed myself at the driving range, went for a three-mile run and soaked in every single second of chill-free air and glorious sunshine.

And work when the weather is nice is just great. Everyone is so happy and silly and talkative. It's so hard not to be happy the past few days. And then, at 5 p.m. Monday, with the sun still shining like it's early afternoon, I took off my jacket, rolled down the windows and cranked my Postelles Pandora station all the way home. That night I even took a trip to Target just to drive with the windows rolled down.

I could seriously get used to this and it better stick around for at least the next ten months. Now that snow days are a thing of the past, this girl will never wish for snow again — except for December 25 of course.

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