Friday, April 7, 2017

Hello Again!

Remember when I blogged regularly?

I barely do. I had so much fun blogging almost daily in spring 2015 that I can't believe it's been almost TWO YEARS since my last post!

Since I'm not really sure where to begin on updating you on my life, I'll just pick up right where I left off ...

In June 2015, I moved home with my parents for six months. I thought I would use my lack of a rent payment to build up my savings, but that money is instead hanging in my closet. Those six months were tough for me. I had to re-adjust to a one-hour commute and I was essentially splitting my time between my childhood home and my boyfriend's home. There was lots of living out of a suitcase, too many drive-thru breakfasts and countless miles on my car.

Even more of my time was spent at Matt's in late August when we adopted the second love of my life, Huckleberry. Our baby is part Labrador, part Chow Chow, and maybe a little bit of Basset Hound? He had clear signs of abuse when we adopted him, and while he still shows some signs of anxiety every once in a while, he's come such a long way. Taking a dog from neglected to living in the lap of luxury is so rewarding. Every dog deserves to be treated like the king (or queen) they are.

In January 2016 — right after my first-ever all-inclusive vacation!!— I moved in with Matt. And it's been awesome! We get along great, there is a lot more routine in my life and we are having more fun than ever.

2016 was full of SO MANY baseball games, new restaurants, fun trips and great memories. Some highlights:

We went to Nashville (again).

My parents moved out of my childhood home (this was a tough one). And excuse the terrible eye makeup. This was a very emotional time.

We rennovated our kitchen and bathroom

I lost 25 pounds (thanks, Weight Watchers!)

I almost served as a bridesmaid for the first time (I partook in all the festivities, but as we learned the hard way, coastal October weddings and hurricanes don't mix.
As a result of said postponed wedding, Matt and I went our first very long road trip and we not only survived but had a great time!

Huckleberry continued being the apple of my eye.

And, oh yeah, just before Christmas, Matt and I got ENGAGED!!!!!!

2017 is shaping up to be another great year, too. Of course there's been tons of wedding planning (more on that and our engagement later). But we've already gone on two great trips, I finally got to serve as a bridesmaid in that postponed wedding, and I'm gearing up to be a bridesmaid for another dear friend! On the professional side of things, work is business as usual- so interesting and rewarding! And this year I was selected to be in a leadership class with 29 other young St. Louisans. I'm through five of the six sessions and I'm more motivated than ever to get more involved in the community and grow my network. The members of my class are really inspiring me to be a better version of myself, and I've been learning a lot during each session. Can't wait to share more when I wrap up the class in a few weeks!

There you have it! Nearly two years of life summed up in a very long blog post. If you're still reading, you deserve a beer or at least a high five! Here's to hoping I get back to posting consistently. Between being a bridesmaid, being a bride and learning a lot at work, I think I should have a lot to write about.